Friday, March 27, 2009

One time I felt a tremendous pain, which I had never felt before, and hopefully there are not other people who mengalaminya again. Heart felt very sick, the body is very lemes and fever, the headache, stomach nausea, vomiting continuously and often. According to my doctor had diagnosed hepatitis or liver disease or jaundice, marked the ball with the eyes, nails and urine is yellow and symptoms such as the above. I suffered hepatitis disease in early June 2002, with the degree SGOT 1500/SGPT 750. Food that I can not eat very much, so I do not have any appetite to eat because the menu is very limited. Finally, I stay. About 15 more days of my stay was the lemes, slightly dizzy and nauseous, but my doctor has been allowed to return home each week with the control treatment and the road for about six months, as doctors said the disease can be cured hepatitis new thoroughly for about six months. I'm thinking how to get prescription drug costs down a road that each week about $25 for six months to the front (a total of 2 million per month or 12 million to 6 months), while the cost of a hospital that most of the millions are still debt that has not terbayar. Finally my friends remind me that offer nutrition Tianshi. Mid-July I consume nutrition Tianshi namely: Calsium I, Cordyceps, beneficial, Vitality, Zinc and Chitosan. Added Curcuma / tablet temulawak (not nutrition Tianshi), which can be purchased at pharmacies. Chitosan drink special time with a given distance of other nutrients. In fact the result is quite dramatic, in a period of 10 days after returning from the hospital, my consumption of these nutrients on a regular basis, the complaint is lost and the condition of my back as usual. Changes that take place very quickly, I really wonder and wife does not believe it. My wife decided to check the blood lab, in fact downright normal. Finally, we control to a doctor with the laboratory test results show, he apparently does not believe that's it. I requested to check the laboratory to the other. Keduapun laboratory test results show that normal alias already healed. Finally, the doctor also acknowledge my healing and nutrition Tianshi severity. After the countdown I count my money to save millions of rupiah and save time to recover.

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Andri Darmawan

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